5 min read

The Health Collective Gets By (with a little help, from friends & AI)

The Health Collective Gets By (with a little help, from friends & AI)
Image by The Health Collective

SO. How are you this sweltering summer? We've been taking some time, pacing ourselves, working things out behind the scenes, and I have to say, all the better for it!

Thanks to a dear friend and early contributor and bonafide Friend of The Health Collective, we've done some number-crunching... (Drum roll, please)

Isn't that something? A huge thanks and pat on the back to all of you: to our friends and advisors, contributors and readers.

Now, thanks to our AI friends (or general enemies of humanity?), with a few helpful prompts and prods, we've put together a little summary that you can peruse at your leisure.

(The following portion of the newsletter has been co-created with Open.AI's chatgpt as part of a 'marketing note'. I've made edits of course but the future is here, and it's quite something.)

πŸ“£ Introducing The Health Collective: Your Ad-Free Community for Mental Health Support and Inspiration! 🌟

Are you seeking a safe space to connect, share, and grow through the power of stories? Look no further! We are thrilled to introduce The Health Collective, an ad-free online community centered around mental health, curated by Amrita Tripathi, a former journalist and author who has collaborated with experts and the community on four insightful books published by Simon & Schuster India.

With over 500 stories from an India lens, The Health Collective aims to tackle the stigma surrounding mental health by fostering peer support and celebrating the resilience of individuals like you.

🌐 Visit healthcollective.in to immerse yourself in a world of authentic narratives that resonate with your journey. Our platform is a treasure trove of personal accounts, insightful articles, and thought-provoking art, all dedicated to exploring the depths of mental health. From anxiety to depression, from self-care to self-discovery, our stories cover a wide spectrum of emotions, providing a comprehensive perspective on the challenges and triumphs of mental wellness.

(So far so ok, what do you think?)

🀝 At The Health Collective, we firmly believe in the power of peer support. Through our vibrant community, you can connect with like-minded individuals who have experienced similar struggles, share your own stories, and find solace in knowing you are not alone. Together, we can create a space where support thrives, stigma crumbles, and understanding blossoms.

Join our mailing list today (if you’d like our periodic newsletters and updates) and you can add a comment if you want to join a WA channel or group. (I'm considering it actively given some early feedback)

In India, the battle against stigma is far from over, but we aren't (always/often/usually) discouraged. (The brackets: me)

(This is me) Ok scratch that, we often are discouraged, and who wouldn't be. Listen to these two mental health advocates with lived experience talking about the discrimination they face for trying to be honest and after they help people? I mean, that's a bit disheartening, to be sure.

(Around 03:09)

But having said that, I was able to share the impact I've personally seen with Shubhrata and Arjun (via messages, mails and more), so that was pretty cool. Drop them a line if you'd like to say hey, and thanks? πŸ™ Here and here

And here's another fab interview that's hit the spot.

This video on Tackling Imposter Syndrome is resonating, do check it out!

Transcript via Otter.AI
Note: Please note the transcript hasn't been edited except to fix the spelling of Kamna Chhibber's name

(Back to our other AI enabler)

The Health Collective is on a mission to challenge societal norms and foster an environment where mental health is embraced openly and without judgment. By amplifying diverse voices and shedding light on the unique mental health landscape of India, we aim to bridge the gap between personal experiences and public discourse, cultivating empathy, and inspiring positive change.

πŸ“š The Health Collective Editor, Amrita Tripathi, has worked closely with experts and the community to publish four books on mental health, in collaboration with Simon & Schuster India. These books delve deeper into the complexities of mental health, offering additional resources and insights for those seeking a more profound understanding.

Me: (All true!!)

🎨 Experience the beauty of art and expression as you delve into The Health Collective. Our platform features captivating art, comics and much more.

Me: (Also true, exhibit A below)

We invite you to follow us on Twitter @healthcollectif and Instagram @healthcollectiveindia, where you can explore our curated selection of art, updates, and engaging discussions.

(This is me only because I forgot this in the prompts) We've just kicked of a LinkedIn page too, and there's always Youtube, for most of our best video content. Join our growing community, and the movement. Feel free to share our content or subscribe to our newsletter (for free).

You can also visit our virtual store here to discover our range of merchandise that celebrates mental health and supports our community-based initiatives. (Well said, AI!)

Additionally, you can become a patron and contribute to our cause by visiting our site. As a patron (India-based residents only), you can support us with a contribution of up to 2000 Indian rupees, making a meaningful difference in creating a more inclusive and supportive mental health ecosystem. (Expanding on this: Me) We will continue to use our revenue to commission content, feature voices from the community and of course we will continue to list resources and keep our content non-gated so more people can benefit.

🌟 Support The Health Collective, your ad-free haven for mental health. Together, we can break down the walls of stigma, foster understanding, and inspire resilience.

(Slight edits by me) Visit healthcollective.in today and discover a plethora of stories and art that will touch your heart, and remind you that we're in this together – whatever you are going through, you are #notalone

#MentalHealthMatters #EndTheStigma #JoinTheHealthCollective

Wow, the hashtags are just... a mic drop moment. Wouldn't you say?

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